Product Updates

New Campaign Type: Click-to-Call

June 24, 2024

We’re excited to introduce Click-to-Call, the newest campaign type from Zeeto! This feature allows potential customers to connect instantly with your call center by preloading your phone number into their mobile device, ensuring seamless interactions. With Click-to-Call, you can align your campaign hours with your call center availability, preventing missed leads and maximizing quality connections. Plus, you have the flexibility to control your budget by setting daily or hourly spend limits, making your advertising efforts more efficient and effective. Ready to boost your conversions? Click-to-Call is here to help! Head over to Campaigns > Add Campaign > to start building your Click-to-Call campaign today.

New Campaign Type: Mobile App Install

June 24, 2024

We’re thrilled to introduce Zeeto’s newest campaign type: Mobile App Install! This feature lets users install your app with just one tap, ensuring a seamless and instant process. With smart targeting, your app reaches the right audience, maximizing engagement and conversion rates. Say goodbye to wasted impressions and hello to a highly engaged user base. Ready to boost your app installs? Discover the magic of Mobile App Install ads today! Head to Campaigns > Add Campaign > to start building your Mobile App Install campaign today.

New Feature Alert: Static Questions

July 7, 2022

Have you ever wanted to be in charge of your own destiny? What about your own ZAN survey? Being a publisher in this crazy Zeeto Ad Network world means you can do just that with Static Questions. We trust our models to always show what's best, but what if that doesn't work for you? Now, a Publisher can decide which questions a visitor engages with, first and last. From our inventory of questions, you can now choose the most cohesive flow for your visitors; giving you the flexibility to customize the survey experience to fit your business needs. Go to the Monetization settings of your placement to start adding Static Questions today.

New Product Alert: Zeeto Ad Server — Publishers

December 14, 2021

Do you have a website with engaging content?

Are you looking to monetize visitors to drive revenue?

Well, your onsite Display Ads can now be powered by the Zeeto Ad Server (ZAS)!  

Display Ads are a great way to monetize traffic to your site by allowing you to seamlessly integrate them within your site content, and since you know your site better than anyone, you get to choose where ads appear.

We want to enhance the visitor's experience without taking away from it, so ZAS will be tapping into a wide network of advertisers to create rich competition for a spot on your site, leaving you to enjoy the monetary benefits.

Head to the Zeeto Ad Server dashboard to start placing ad units today!

New Product Alert: Zeeto Ad Server — Advertisers

December 13, 2021

The Zeeto Ad Server is here!

Meet the Zeeto Ad Server, or ZAS for short.

Are you an Advertiser that wants to expand your Display campaign reach?

Your Display campaigns will seamlessly integrate directly into a website's content to provide access to a wide network of demographic audiences, which help drive leads and conversions for your business.  

If you're new to the platform or are already an advertiser in the Zeeto Ad Network, tap into a boundless site experience with ZAS! You will feel right at home while setting up display campaigns directly from your Zeeto Ad Server dashboard.

New Feature Alert: Copy Lead Delivery Settings

November 23, 2021

Up until this point you have been laborously copy and pasting your lead delivery settings from one campaign to another. No more! Now, when adding a Lead Delivery Destination, simply click “Load Settings from Another Destination” and select which lead delivery settings you would like to apply.

Auto-Pause Campaign on Lead Delivery Failures

May 20, 2021

Lead delivery failures happen to the best of campaigns. From system outages to misconfigurations, consecutive lead delivery failures can cause auto-optimized bidding to bid down on your campaign from a drop in lead acceptance. If it goes on long enough, the models will train on this data which can affect campaign performance moving forward. Let’s catch that earlier! Now, the system will pause a campaign after 30 consecutive lead delivery failures, at which point you will be notified and can take action if necessary.

Company Balance

February 25, 2021

Have you ever wanted to, at a glance, know when your next invoice due date is? Or if you have an outstanding balance? Now, your company balance and invoice due date are available right when you sign in. Worried if your balance is going to exceed your credit limit? Fret not! Your company credit limit will also be displayed along with your company projected balance, so you will know before the system automatically pauses those who have exceeded their credit limit or have outstanding balances after a given grace period.

Min Question eCPM

December 16, 2020

Sometimes you have to set a new bar of standards. If it isn’t good enough, move on! That’s exactly what we have rolled out with the Min Question eCPM located in the monetization configuration of your placement. If the next question’s predicted value is less than the minimum question eCPM set, it will end the placement and move on to bigger and better things. This will benefit you if there is something potentially more valuable after the placement. Try split testing different minimum question eCPM values to see which one works for you.

Sub Traffic Source for CPA Margin Postback Tool

October 26, 2020

As a Publisher, using the CPA Margin Postback tool has been frustrating only being able to set a CPA and Margin Percentage by UTM Source. So 2000 and late! Now, you can add rules to set a specific CPA and/or Margin based on additional parameters for your sub traffic sources. These include utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_content, and utm_medium and will override the default CPA and Margin Percentage set on utm_source.

Suppression Metrics

October 13, 2020

Suppression metrics up until this point have been a mysterious creature. Looking up these metrics required checking them in a different system or hitting up Client Success. Fret no more. Now, when setting up a suppression URL or file for your campaign, you will have these very metrics at your fingertips. Now you can see Accepted %, Rejected %, Failed %, Timeout %, and Average Response Times. While there are many reasons why your campaign could be receiving less volume, next time check suppression metrics to see if your rejection percentages or average response times have increased.

New Feature Alert: Lead Caps

October 12, 2020

You are very familiar with how to set a budget cap on your campaign, but most of the time it requires some math (#hard) if you need to cap your campaign by the desired number of leads. Well, now you can do both! In the campaign settings tab, we have added Lead Cap to the Budget Cap section. You can now set the number of leads you would like your campaign to acquire before it is paused and reset according to the day, month, lifetime, and/or hour configuration. With great lead cap power, comes great budget responsibility. Please make sure to have a thoughtfully set budget— If your system has outages, we will continue to send leads until the Accepted Lead or Budget Cap is met— whichever comes first. Important: You will still be billed for all leads sent.

Moving Initial Bid

October 8, 2020

Previously, Initial Bid was required on the settings tab of a campaign. This caused some disconnect and confusion from how this actually affects targets. Ahh, younger selves. Initial Bid has moved from the campaign settings page to the targeting page. Advertisers are now required to enter their bid for all new targets when they are targeting/retargeting. The targets that are created without the user’s input (i.e new placements, properties, etc.), will take the highest bid of the campaign’s targets (both inactive and active).

New Feature Alert: Campaign Scoring

September 15, 2020

10/10 - Would campaign again!
Ever ask yourself, “How the heck is my campaign doing!?” Well, now your campaign will have scoring metrics based on a 1-10 scale to help you gauge your campaign performance. Located on the bids tab in your campaign, 1 indicates the lowest score and 10 is the highest. For SOIs, you will have Acceptance % Score, which will give you a rating on your current Lead Acceptance Rate (Accepted Lead %) based on a 0-100% scale. For Linkouts, you will have a Click-through Rate Score (CTR Score). For both SOIs and Linkouts you will have an eCPM Score. CTR and eCPM scores are based off of how well your CTR % and eCPM is doing relative to your competition in ZAN. By looking at these two scores, you will now be able to see at a glance how your campaign is doing comparatively.

New Feature Alert: SOI Image Based Layouts

August 7, 2020

SOI Creatives have gotten a facelift. We believe in creative expression, so now you can choose between the existing text-based layout or try a fresh new look with an image-based layout!

With the new image-based layout, your creative image size increases and allows you to convey your messaging directly through a beautiful image. In addition, by selecting image-based layout, you have the option to upload a 700x400 (desktop) and/or 600x600 (mobile) image for better device optimized image sizes.

New Feature Alert: Copy Link Settings

August 6, 2020

We know how much you love copy and paste, but now you can add Link settings with the click of a button! When adding a Link to your Linkout campaign, click the "Load Settings From Another Link" button and choose which settings you would like to use.

New Feature Alert: Monetization Settings

April 2, 2020

Monetization settings and stats are now available in the monetization tab under placements. Now you can see how you have set up a monetization and the performance of each configuration at a glance.

New Feature Alert: Data Supplementation

February 3, 2020

Give your data a power boost! Learn more about a targeted group of your customer base by using custom questions to ask them exactly what’s on your mind. Want to know if your group of high-risk customers are planning to renew their cell phone contracts? Send over your list of highest potentials to Zeeto and when anyone on that list visits one of our partner sites on the network, Zeeto asks them the questions to find out the most valuable things about your customers to take your engagement to the next level.

Give Us Your Most Wanted List!

January 16, 2020

You have a list of people you want to ask a question or show an ad to? We gotchu. Just upload the list (either phone number or email addresses) in the suppression tab and make your campaign target just the people on it. Tl;dr the opposite of a suppression list.

New Product Alert: Polling!

January 8, 2020

With the political season upon us, we are launching a whole new way to use Zeeto’s platform. In addition to asking people questions to qualify them for ads, you can now use Zeeto to ask people questions for polls. Want to know who the 52nd district will vote for in the primary? No problem! Who is leading in Iowa? Easy. What is Bloomberg's name recognition in Arizona? Done.

Test Suppression

November 5, 2019

You’ve heard of try before you buy, right? Well now you can! The long-awaited Test Suppression allows you to test your suppression configuration in real time to ensure it’s working before you set your campaign live. With this enhanced tool, you can edit the sample visitor data (phone, email, zip code and ip address) to test proper visitor acceptance or rejection by your system, as well as proper list formatting for new or existing suppression lists. You can find this new feature by visiting the Suppression tab within your selected campaign.

Campaign Blackout Range

November 4, 2019

Just in time for the holidays! Say goodbye to those pesky calendar reminders to manually manage campaign schedules. Campaign Blackout Ranges will now allow you to pause for specific dates, like holidays, while still having a normal schedule in place. You can find this amazing new feature by visiting to your campaign settings under the "Schedule" section.

Invoices by Campaign

October 3, 2019

Our invoices got an upgrade!

We’re excited to introduce the latest updates to Zeeto’s billing process. We’ve heard your feedback and are excited to announce our new detailed invoices and accounting reports in the ZAN platform.

What’s new?

Invoice line items got a makeover. Gone are the days of general ZAN “RON” and “O&O” Leads. You can now find your “Payable to Zeeto” cost per campaign detailed out on every invoice.

Better reporting visibility. You can view and cross-check past invoice details in ZAN too! Head over to the “Accounting” tab in the Reports section to see your total cost by campaign and amounts payable to Zeeto. You can also travel back in time and filter by date to get that all-important historical data.

Note: For additional information about historical data, please contact your account manager.

No more manual roll-ups. Have more than a single ZAN account? No sweat! You can find the same Advertiser and Publisher Reports in the shared client spaces within Looker. Use these reports to access roll-up data for all of your individual Zeeto accounts into one usable report.

Cost vs. Payable to Zeeto? Help!

“Cost” is the total ad spend for your campaign in the network, calculated by multiplying the bid rate times each conversion and then summing those amounts for the time period of the report.

“Payable to Zeeto” is the percentage of cost that is owed to Zeeto. This amount is determined by multiplying revenue share times cost. Revenue share amounts are different for cases when your campaigns convert on network properties and when they convert on a property that is owned-and-operated (O&O) by you.

How do I know the difference?

When Cost and Payable to Zeeto amounts are the same...

In this scenario, your campaign(s) only converted on network properties and therefore Zeeto will collect 100% of your ad spend to pay the Publisher(s) after Zeeto takes our revenue share.

NOTE: If you are only an advertiser in ZAN, your Cost and Payable to Zeeto amounts will always match.

When Cost and Payable to Zeeto amounts are different...

In this scenario, some or all of your campaign(s) converted on your own O&O properties, meaning Zeeto only collects a portion of your ad spend based on our revenue share.

NOTE: If you are also a Publisher in ZAN, you will likely see these variable cost amounts on your invoices. 

“Is Related” Dimension… Yes vs. No?

As an Advertiser, you may also pivot your cost data by the Publisher relationship using the “Is Related” dimension in Looker. Your “RON” cost is shown when “Is Related = No” and “O&O” cost when “Is Related = Yes.” Easy as that!

They can't all be winners.

May 24, 2019

In this network, the competition is stiff. Setting up campaigns to win is key! After letting a campaign run long enough to have had a fair chance of succeeding, ZAN deactivates it if it isn't performing well for you. Top causes include things like incorrect or wonky attribute targeting (hint: this is the most common issue), CPA campaigns with pixel issues, and bidding that isn't competitive enough to gain volume. Failed status is a point of no return for that campaign. If you think it should have done better, and may have just had one of the issues mentioned above, you can create a new campaign in its place with the adjustments to give v2.0 a better chance. As always, please contact your account manager or our client success department for help if you need it.

Targeting 2.0

January 7, 2019

Hold on to your hats everyone, attribute targeting just got a big update. Move at mach speeds as you select multiple attributes and assign them to a group with one click. This is a big win for discoverability since the increased real estate allows us to display more attributes on the page along with their definitions. Making sure you target your exact audience has never been easier. We're not done yet though, stay tuned for future improvements that we think you're going to love.

LTV Metrics

January 2, 2019

LTV pixels are a great way to monitor how awesome your campaign is performing, and we have the metrics to prove it. On the bids tab you can find conversions, revenue, cost per conversion, conversion rate, and ROI for the "purchase" LTV pixel. Find the targets that give you the best ROI and adjust bids accordingly.

Daily Granularity

January 2, 2019

Using reports to track your performance over time is crucial to your success. To help you get a grasp of the big picture, we've added daily granularity as an option when using the date range feature in the calendar. It's easier than ever to track those peaks and valleys.

You Remembered!

January 2, 2019

Retargeting campaigns just got a major upgrade. If you need to add in a few more zip codes or just want to tweak your age targeting, you no longer have to fill out the entire targeting form again. ZAN will save your previous configuration, so when you go to retarget, you can make the changes you need and quickly be on your way.

New Report Reporting for Duty

January 2, 2019

Advertisers just got access to a brand new report. Use the Lead Response report to check out what your last 30 responses have been per campaign. This report is a great way to track overall lead delivery health, so you can stay on the ball.

Click Click Wow

January 2, 2019

New metrics are available on the bids tab. If you're running a link out campaign and have CPA selected as your rate type, clicks and CTR % are there to give you more insight.

Queued Up

January 2, 2019

Big news advertisers, all creatives added to ZAN must be approved by a Zeeto admin. The review process should be complete within two business days, barring the zombie apocalypse. While your creative is pending approval it will not be displayed, we run a tight ship here, so we need to make sure the ads on our network are the cream of the crop. Keep in mind, if you only have one creative, you won't be able to set your campaign active until the creative has been approved. Don't worry though, if your creative is denied, one of our friendly Zeeto agents will reach out and work with you to iron out any kinks.

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