How To: Mid-Path Integration

june 28, 2019

Integrating a ZAN placement into your website using Accelerator Services is simple!
ZAN placements can be integrated anywhere within your digital experience, as long as you’ve collected visitor information, be it within a conversion funnel (like after a registration form), organically within website content (if a user is logged-in), or from customer interactions (like from email newsletters). Before you get started, be sure to coordinate with the Zeeto Professional Services Group to determine the experience(s) you’d like to use for implementation.

Part 1: Inbound Hand-off

Passing the data we need is easy! The Zeeto Professional Services Group will provide you with a custom URL that will direct visitors into the Zeeto experience.

Simply send along two types of information as query string parameters.
First, append any tracking information you’ll need to audit performance. Second, append the visitor’s information mapped to the data attributes below.

For accelerator services, you will need to handle visitor registration on your website and pass the data to Zeeto via query string parameters.

Passing Tracking Data

Decide which tracking attributes will be passed from you to Zeeto. Reference the attributes key below for guidance. These attributes will be available in Zeeto’s Acquisition reporting.

// Example Inbound URL With Tracking Params

NOTE: Need additional tracking parameters? Zeeto allows custom tracking for Accelerator Services! Ask your project lead for more details.

Passing Visitor Data

Define which visitor attributes will be dynamically passed from you to Zeeto. Reference the attributes key below for guidance to correctly map attributes through to your Zeeto placement.

// Example Inbound URL With Tracking & Visitor Params

Not all of these parameters are required, however, the more you tell us about your visitors the more easily they will be able to progress through the registration process.

Part 2: Outbound Hand-off

After the visitor completes the Zeeto experience, we can either redirect them back to your website or to an alternate location. All we need is a URL and any specified information you’d like us to pass along.

Recieving Data from Zeeto

Decide which visitor and/or tracking attributes will be passed from Zeeto to you. You will need to provide a reference for the Zeeto team to use when passing attributes back to you after the visitor completes the experience.

NOTE: In cases where ZAN only gets the zip code without city and state from publishers, ZAN may use Geonames ( to look up city and state. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The Data is provided “as is” without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness or completeness.

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