Are you an Advertiser?
It’s easy to create a variety of highly targeted campaigns and find your perfect customers. Zeeto uses questions to discover data and then uses the answers to target ads.
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Frequently Ask Questions
How much does it cost to advertise on Zeeto?

For starters, signing up and using Zeeto is completely free! So that’s good. Once you’re all signed up and ready to go, you only spend as much as you’re willing. Zeeto uses a real-time bidding system where you will compete against other advertisers to have your ad appear on one of our placements.

What do I need in order to get my ads on Zeeto?

Creating an ad campaign on Zeeto is super easy. Once you have your base campaign information, add a creative, start bidding, and you’re good to go.

What's a bid? How does it work?

Just like an auction house, Zeeto pits you against other advertisers and allows you to spend only what you’re willing to spend. What sets Zeeto apart is how our bidding system works. Along with general demographic info, Zeeto lets you bid on customers with specific attributes such as “likes to travel” or “has Diabetes.”

What determines who will see my ad?

Zeeto uses smart questions to dig into who potential customers really are. Say you have an ad for bagels, we ask questions like “Do you enjoy breakfast foods?” or “Are you gluten free?”. This lets you bid on the breakfast lovers, and pass on the gluten free folks.

What type of campaigns can I run?

Zeeto uses smart questions to dig into who potential customers really are. Say you have an ad for bagels, we ask questions like “Do you enjoy breakfast foods?” or “Are you gluten free?”. This lets you bid on the breakfast lovers, and pass on the gluten free folks.

What determines who will see my ad?

Zeeto uses smart questions to dig into who potential customers really are. Say you have an ad for bagels, we ask questions like “Do you enjoy breakfast foods?” or “Are you gluten free?”. This lets you bid on the breakfast lovers, and pass on the gluten free folks.

What browsers does ZAN work with?

ZAN only works in Chrome. Sorry all you Firefox or Safari diehards.

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