Tracking - Postback

June 27, 2019


ZAN create’s a session specific Tracking ID that is generated on the click of a Linkout. The Tracking ID generated for a user is passed to the advertiser to store until the user converts on the given offer. Upon conversion, the advertiser posts the Tracking ID from their server to ZAN’s server. When a Postback URL with a valid Tracking ID for the given campaign is received, a conversion will be counted in ZAN.

How to set up postback tracking?

1. Select Postback as your tracking method, within the tracking tab.

2. Name the custom parameter that ZAN will use to pass session-specific tracking IDs to your landing page URL when a visitor is passed to you.

NOTE: There’s no need to add any custom parameters to your Links because ZAN will automatically append it for you. For example,

3. Take the URL provided to you. Alter the area marked as “[INSERT_TRACKING_ID]”. Use the formatting that you use internally to dynamically pass and collect values.

Example: If you chose “s2” as your custom parameter then your postback URL could look something like this Keep in mind “#s2#” is just one way of dynamically passing in data.

Keep in mind event types are inserted after the “ze=” in a postback URL to track the different conversion or goal events. You are required to use the following event type for CPA campaigns:

CPA: ze=e0

Learn the lifetime value (LTV) of the leads you acquire from ZAN by using one of the available event types when your server tell Zeeto’s server a conversion has occurred.

Click: ze=e1
Open: ze=e2
View: ze=e3
Lead: ze=e4
Purchase: ze=e5

Track the revenue generated by Including “zr=[INSERT YOUR REVENUE VALUE]” with your LTV postback events. ZAN will collect the data and report on it. You can use decimal points up to the hundreds. Be sure to include an ‘&’ before adding in revenue.

Revenue Examples:

4. When a visitor has converted post the URL with the tracking ID back from your server to ZAN’s server. When a Postback URL with a valid Tracking ID for the given campaign is received, a conversion will be counted in ZAN.

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