Creative Best Practices

June 27, 2019

Creative Best Practices

ZAN allows you to add multiple creatives to a campaign so you can iterate towards the highest performing creative possible. Following some of these best practice tips will get you on your way to success!

Link Out Creatives




Call to Action

Device Optimization

Although, an “All Device” option is available for creatives, it’s highly recommended that you target your creatives by desktop and mobile. This will enable each creative to be optimized for the device it will display on. Simply resizing creatives is NOT ideal for messaging and button legibility. Make every click count!

There are three creative types available: All Devices, Desktop, and Mobile. Available image size options are dependent on your creative type selection:

All Devices



Weight and Format

Max Weight

Accepted Formats

Simple Opt-In Creatives





Opt-In Disclaimer (Email)

Opt-In Disclaimer (Phone)

Device Optimization

All Simple Opt-In campaigns are responsive layouts that have been optimized to look great on all devices.

Image Size

Weight and Format

Max Weight

Accepted Formats

Learn how to setup your creatives with our Demo Tutorial.

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