
June 25, 2019

Target your ideal audience and discover of customers you haven’t tapped into yet! ZAN’s targeting abilities were strategically designed to give you the ability to easily bid different amounts on a wide range of audiences and learn what your perfect customers look like.

Visit our Demo Tutorial to set your Targets, or follow this step-by-step guide:

To tailor your targeting and display your ads exclusively to your ideal audience, head to the Bids Tab within ZAN and select the blue “Add Targets” button. This will take you to the Targeting page, where you’ll encounter three distinct sections: Demographic Targeting, Visitor Attributes, and Bids.

In the Demographic Targeting section, you can configure the fundamental characteristics of your ideal customer:

Age: Decide whether to display your ads to all demographics or refine your audience by selecting “Only show it to visitors in a specific age group”. Within this option, you can further specify whether to target individuals above a certain age with “Is greater than or equal to”, below a certain age with “Is less than or equal to”, or within a specific age range with “Is between or equal to”.

Gender: Choose to showcase your ads to all genders or exclusively to a male or female audience.

If you opt to display your ads to all genders, you also have the option to bid the same amount for both males and females or to bid differently based on the visitor’s gender.

Alternatively, if you prefer to exclusively target males or females, you’ll have the option to include visitors whose gender was unspecified.

Target location by: You have the option to target Everyone in the United States by selecting the first option, “Yes, show it to everyone in the United States”. Additionally, you can refine your audience based on location. You can choose to show your ads only to visitors in specific locations by selecting “Only show it to visitors in specific locations”, or you can exclude visitors from specific locations by choosing “Do not show it to visitors in specific locations”.

If you opt to “Only show it to visitors in specific locations,” you’ll have the additional option to further refine your targeting by creating an exclusion list. To do this, select “Yes” in the “Would you like to exclude visitors in specific states from seeing your campaign?” field.

Regardless of your choice, you can specify locations using either their 2-letter state abbreviations, separated by commas (e.g., “CA, NY”), or ZIP codes, also separated by commas.

Lastly, you can choose whether to display your campaign to visitors whose location is unknown through the “Do you also want to show your campaign to visitors for whom we do not have location data, but we infer it from their IP?” configuration.

Device: Choose to display your campaign to users of all devices by selecting “Show it on all devices”, or filter by device by selecting “Only show it on specific devices”, and ou’ll be able to specify whether to target Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, and other devices such as Smart TVs, video game consoles, or eReaders.

If you opted for displaying to all devices, you’ll have the opportunity to define wether you want to bid differently per device or not in “Would you like to bid differently based on Device?”, as well as to filter devices by operating system by choosing “Show it on all mobile/tablet operating systems”, “Only show it on Android” or “Only show it on iOS” below the question “Do you want to show your campaign to visitors using specific mobile/tablet operating systems?”.

• Email Service Provider: You can opt to display your campaign to users of any email service provider by choosing “Show it to everyone.” Alternatively, you can target or exclude individuals based on specific email service providers by selecting “Only show it to visitors with specific email service providers” or “Do not show it to visitors with specific email service providers,” respectively.

In either scenario, you’ll need to input the list of domains separated by commas (e.g.,, Additionally, you’ll have the flexibility to set different bids for each email service provider.

Now that we’ve covered the fundamental targeting, navigate to “Visitor Attributes”, and click on “Select Attributes”.

On the next page, you’ll find nearly 600 data points and interests to specify your audience criteria. These attributes enhance lead quality, requiring visitors to answer qualifying questions precisely. For instance, if you’re promoting Medicare solutions for retirees, aside from selecting an age range of over 65, you can also target specific Medicare attributes, retirement-related topics, or health concerns.

To choose attributes, first click on “Add Group” on the right side of the screen, then click the “Select” button next to each Attribute, and hit the green “Assign to Group 1” button on the right side. Attributes within the same group function on an “or” basis; for instance, grouping Medicare attributes means users must match at least one Medicare question to qualify.

If you wish to add more conditions, like targeting Spanish-speaking audiences, create a new group by clicking again on “Add Group”, add the Spanish language attribute, select it in the same manner as before and now click on “Assign to Group 2”. This will set up an “and” relationship.

NOTE: Keep in mind, that the more “and” conditions you apply, the more restricted your audience will be, affecting lead volume.

Once you’re satisfied with your attribute settings, click the green “Continue” button in the lower right corner.

You can also decide to bid the same amount on all attributes or bid differently per attribute. If you want to do the latter, you’ll have to check the “Bid different amounts on these attributes” box in the “Visitor Attributes” section.

The final step is to establish a Bid goal amount at the bottom of the page, indicating what you’re willing to pay per accepted lead. You can do this in the “Bid” section. Once you’ve entered the Bid Goal, click Save, and the platform will generate all the necessary targeted segments. You have the option to maintain the same bid across all targets or customize each one—it’s entirely up to you. Remember, you can always adjust these settings as required within the platform at any time.

Here are some average bidding recommendations depending on your Campaign Type:

To update bids per specific target, go back to the Bids Tab and click on the Current Bid of the target you wish to update, change the value and then click on the "Save" button.

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