Mobile App Install campaigns exclusively support Image Based creatives. Set creatives to your ZAN campaigns with our Demo Tutorial, or follow the next guide:
To add a new crative, navigate to the Creatives Tab and select the blue “Add Creative” button.
On the Add Creative page, give your new creative a clear and trackable name.Then, click on the "Choose Image" button, and select your creative's file.
Click on the "Choose Image" button, and select your creative's file.
Finally you can choose to show your creative to only men, only women, or both genders.
Once you’ve uploaded your image file, simply click on the green “Save” button.
After adding your first creative, you’ll see it labeled as “Fallback”, which is added as default by ZAN. If you only have a ‘Fallback’ in place, it will receive 100% of the impressions.
We strongly recommend having a Fallback creative as a backup, but also adding a second creative to redirect the traffic there. You don’t have to set up a whole new creative, just clone the Fallback by clicking on the “Clone” option of your new creative and updating the creative’s name. This will improve data analysis, and facilitate split testing, which ultimately will improve your campaign's performance.
Learn more about Creatives in our video "How to use Creatives for Lead Generation in Zeeto".